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Wehrmacht/Heer, Artillery EM M43 Field Blouse, RBNr
RAD/ Early EM´S M35 Service Tunic (RADBAF), Mint–
Wehrmacht/ Convalescent´s Hospital Pants 1943 — Wehrmacht/ Pantalones para Convalecientes de Hospital Militar de 1943
Cased Iron Cross 1St Class, 1939, Code «100» Near Mint —Estuche con Cruz de Hierro 1939 de Primera Clase, Código «100»
Wehrmacht/ Towel marked Military Hospital — Wehrmacht/ Toalla Marcada con Sello del Hospital Militar del Ejército
Wehrmacht/Heer Camo, Mosquito Face Net, Very Rare —
Wehrmacht/ Field-Grey, White Reversible Winter Hood
Luftwaffe/ Rare Variant Paratrooper´s 1st Model Gravity knife “SMF”–Luftwaffe/ Rara Variante del Cuchillo de gravedad 1er Modelo para Paracaidistas “SMF”
End of War Panzer Troop M38 Overseas Cap of the1st Panzer Regiment, Very hard to find!— Gorra de Campo M38 de Final de Guerra del 1er Regimiento Panzer
Wedhrmacht/Luftwaffe, Anti-aircraft Spider Sight for MG34 with Waffenamt
Historic German Passport marked “Judenstempel” from 1939. In perfect condition. Very hard to find with Dresdner bank stamp
German Passport Marked “Judenstempel” from 1939 — Pasaporte Alemán Marcado «Judenstempel» de 1939
Panzer Troop Officer’s Overseas Cap — Gorra de Guarnición de Oficial de Tropas Panzer
Spanish Civil War Red Cross Armband, with seal Republican Zone — Brazalete de la Cruz Roja con Sello, Bando Republicano
Spanish Civil War Northern National Army Armband. Hard to find!!
Franco’s Guard Phalanx Armband — Brazalete de Falange de la Guardia de Franco
Franco’s Guard Phalanx Beret—Boina de Falange con Insignia para un Miembro de la Guardia de Franco
Set of Oak Leaves for a Wehrmacht 40 Year Long Service Cross
Hitler Youth/ High Command Decoration for Distinguished Foreigners in his Envelope–HJ, Very hard to find!
Hitler Youth/ High Command Decoration for Distinguished Foreigners in his Envelope–HJ/ Insignia de Honor del Alto Mando para Extranjeros Distinguidos en su Sobre
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