German Uniforms & Coats
M-42 Coastal Artillery Field Blouse, Occupied France Made
1.700,00€ -
Original 21mm Silver Buttons for Wehrmacht Uniform, Manufacturer “Assmann”
Luftwaffe ‘Kragenbinde’
65,00€ -
Unissued White Wehrmacht Under Shirts with R.B.Nr.0/0751/0042
175,00€ -
Luftwaffe NCO’s Leather Combat Pilot Jacket with Pilot Badge
Luftwaffe Flight/Paratrooper’s Captain Service Tunic
1.675,00€ -
Luftwaffe Flight/Paratrooper’s Captain Service Tunic. Mint condition!
Original 21mm Silver Buttons for Wehrmacht Uniform, Manufacturer “Assmann”
Officer´s M36 Panzer Field Blouse by HG Schnetgocke, 1938, Essen. Mint Condition. Great size. Hard to Find!!
2.750,00€ -
Wehrmacht/ Four WH Tunic Belt Support Hooks
60,00€ -
Luftwaffe/ Paratroopers Captain Fliegerbluse. Private Purchase. Great size. Mint Condition!!. Hard to find!
2.600,00€ -
Rarely encountered Afrikakorps Officer Tropical Cloak/cape. B-40 Stamped, Manufacture Otto Pettkus
1.500,00€ -
Kriegsmarine/ REPRODUCTION of a Three-quarter Soft Leather Coat for Submarine Officers.
Wehrmacht/Heer, Unusual EM’S Greenish Blue South Front Field Blouse M43 Style Tropical Tunic , RBNr
1.800,00€ -
Kriegsmarine/ Tropical Field Blouse for NCO of the Coastal Artillery
1.100,00€ -
Wehrmacht/Afrikakorps, Rubberized of Tropical Gas Protection Trousers “aqd”, Very Rare, Mint
650,00€ -
Wehrmacht/Heer, Infantry NCO’s M40 Field Blouse
1.825,00€ -
Wehrmacht/ Heer, Artillery Officer´s M36 Combat Field Blouse
1.775,00€ -
COPY Panzer Uniform