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Iron Cross 2ND Class, 1939 “Frosting”. Code “3”. Mint. Hard to find!!
Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939. Code “55”. Nice.
Iron Cross 2ND Class, 1939 “Frosting”. Mint. Hard to find!!
Walther P38 Pistol Magazine
Portepee for an Unterführer of the Reich Protection Police
WH/Heer, Army Officer Dove Head Sabre by “Alcoso”. Mint Condition
Pistol Holster for the P08 (Luger), Variant for Mounted Troops, with Manufacture, year 1941 and Waffenamt.
WH/Heer Officer’s Lionhead Saber “Feldmarschall von Eickhorn” Series Number 1714 with “D.R.P.”
Wehrmacht/ Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939, Maker “100”
Original German Luger Magazine
SPANISH FALANGE/ Folder with the Frame, 10 Illustrations and Score of the Hymn “Cara al Sol”
WWI/ Mauser Model 1910/14 Pistol Holster
Wehrmacht/ Personalized Ceramic for Tombstone of a Mountain Infantry NCO killed in Crete in May 1941.
WH/Heer Artillery Officer Visor Cap
Police P08 Pistol Holster Manufactured by «AKAH»
WH/ Winter Battle in the East 1941/42 Medal
WH/ West Wall Medal, 1944
Wehrmacht/Heer, Signalman´s Backpack numer “3”
Wehrmacht/ EM/NCO’S Combat Belt
Wehrmacht/Heer Combat Y-straps
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